Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre

PrivatePune, Maharashtra

Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre,Pune is a Private College established in the year 1999.Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, located in Maharashtra. Dr. D. Y. Patil Ayurved college and hospital has been placed just behind Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical Campus. Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre, Pune is spacious and fully equipped with all the modern amenities including laboratories, lecture halls, auditorium and offices as per the Minimum standard requirements of Central Council Indian Medicine (CCIM) norms.

Contact & Other Details :-

AddressDr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre Pimpri, Pune-411 018 (Maharashtra) India
Phone020 - 67116420 / 022 3096 5888 , 8448449859
Email[email protected]
UG Admissions

Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre,Pune BAMS NEETUG Counseling is conducted by AACCC-UG e-Counseling ( Open To All )

AACCC-UG e-Counseling ( Open To All ) (15%)

AACCC-UG e-Counseling for Admission to All India Quota seats of BAMS/BSMS /BUMS/ BHMS under Govt. /Govt. Aided/ Central Universities (CU)/National Institutes (NI)/Deemed University (DU) and of B. Pharm(Ay) Seats under ITRA, Jamnagar for the A. Y. 2024-25

The allotment of seats is based on the candidate's merit in the NEET (UG)- 2024 Examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). For the A.Y 2024-25, M/o Ayush has decided to include the AIQ seats of B. Pharm (Ay) ITRA, Jamnagar, in the AACCC-UG counseling and the allotment for the said seats is based on the candidate's merit in the NEET (UG)- 2024 as per the eligibility conditions in the relevant Regulations laid down under ITRA Act 2020. The AACCC under the Ministry of Ayush, will conduct four rounds of online counseling for admissions into 15% All India Quota (AIQ) seats. These rounds include the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rounds, followed by two phases of the Stray Vacancy Round (SVR-I & SVR-II).

AACCC Information Bulletin 2024-25Click Here

The AIQ seats* coming under AACCC-UG Counseling 2024

15% All India Quota UG (BAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS) Seats of Govt./Govt. Aided Institute of all States/UTs

100% BAMS Seats of BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

100% BAMS Seats of ITRA, Jamnagar, Gujarat (except nominated seats)

100% BAMS seats of NIA, Jaipur, Rajasthan (except nominated seats)

100% BAMS seats of NIA, Panchkula

100% BHMS seats of NIH, Kolkata, West Bengal (except nominated seats)

100% UG (BAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS) Seats of all Deemed Universities

100% BSMS seats of NIS, Chennai (except nominated seats)

50% BAMS seats of AIIA, Goa

50% BUMS seats of AMU, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh

50% BAMS & BHMS seats of NEIA&H, Shillong, Meghalaya.

AIQ seats of B. Pharm (Ay) ITRA, Jamnagar, Gujarat

Round 1
Eligibility for participationOnly NEET (UG)-2024 qualified candidates are eligible to apply for the AACCC-UG counseling.

Step 1: Registration for AACCC-UG Counseling for admission to ASU&H-AIQ and to AIQ-B. Pharm (Ay) seats of ITRA, Jamnagar.

Step 2: Payment of Counseling Fee (Non-Refundable Registration Fee + Security Deposit Money) as per the candidate’s preference on the ‘selection of counseling’ in the AACCC-UG Portal i.e., (i) AIQ-Govt. (ii) Central Universities-National Institutes (iii) AIQ- Govt. Aided and (iv) Deemed Universities.

Step 3: Choice filling and locking as per the candidate’s preference on streams [BAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS/B.Pharm(Ay)] and Institute.

Step 4: Processing of seat allotment

Step 5: Publication of provisional result on the AACCC-UG portal

Step 6: Publication of final Seat allotment list

Step 7: Physical Reporting to the allotted college/institute with all original documents within the stipulated time as per schedule.

Round 2
Eligibility for participation

a) NEET(UG)- 2024 qualified candidates who have not registered in the 1st Round.

b) Candidates registered and participated in the 1st Round but were not allotted a seat. No need to register again

c) R-1 not joined candidates who have opted for free exit in the 1st Round.

d) Candidates joined the R-1 allotted seat and submitted willingness for up-gradation at the time of reporting during R-1.

e) Round 1 joined candidates who availed of free exit and filled choices till the last day of choice filling period for R-2 are eligible for seat allotment. (Free exit period for R-1 joined candidates is available till the date of announcement of the R-2 final result-excluding the final result date)


Step 1: Registration for AACCC- UG Counseling. (The candidates who participated in 1st Round need not be registered again)

Step 2: Payment of Counseling Fee includes Non-Refundable Registration Fee + Security Money (Need not to pay by the candidates, those who already paid the counseling fee at the time of registration for 1st Round)

Step 3: Choice filling and locking. The choices filled during the 1st Round become null & void

Step 4: Processing of seat allotment

Step 5: Publication of provisional result on the AACCC-UG portal.

Step 6: Publication of final Seat allotment list

Step 7: Physical Reporting to the allotted college/institute with all original documents within the stipulated time as per schedule.

Round 3
Eligibility for participation

a) NEET (UG)- 2024 qualified candidates who have not registered in the 1st Round & 2nd Round. Need to register afresh.

b) Candidates who have already registered but were not allotted seats in the 1st Round & 2 nd Round. No need to register again.

c) Round 1 allotted candidates who availed of free exit.

d) Round 1 admitted Candidates who availed of Free Exit till the date of announcement of the R-2 final result (excluding the final result date).

e) Round 1 admitted candidates but not upgraded during R-2.

f) Round 1 admitted candidates but not upgraded during R-2 and availed of exit with forfeiture of counseling fees 3 days prior to the commencement of R-3 can participate in R-3 with full payment of counseling fees.

g) Candidates joined the R-1 allotted seats and submitted willingness for up-gradation but did not participate in the 2nd Round of counseling.

h) Candidates joined the Round-2 allotted/upgraded seat and submitted willingness for up-gradation in the 3rd Round.

i) Round 2 non-joined candidates who availed of exit with forfeiture can participate in R3 with full payment of counseling fees.

j) Round 2 joined candidates who availed of exit with forfeiture of counseling fees 3 days prior to the commencement of R-3 can participate in R-3 with full payment of counseling fees.


Step 1: Registration for AACCC- UG Counseling. (The candidates who participated in 1st and 2nd Round need not be registered again)

Step 2: Payment of Counseling Fee (Non-Refundable Registration Fee + refundable Security Money). Those candidates who have availed exit with forfeiture of counseling fees need to pay complete counseling fees again for participating in the subsequent rounds.

Step 3: Choice filling and locking. The choices filled during the 1st & 2nd Round become null & void.

Step 4: Processing of seat allotment

Step 5: Publication of provisional result

Step 6: Publication of final Seat allotment list

Step 7: Publication of list of candidates who secured their AIQ-UG seats through R-1/R-2 till the date of announcement of R-3 final result and who have been allotted seats in R-3 are ineligible for any Ayush-UG Counseling 2024 (Central/State-UT). These candidates are ineligible to participate in other Ayush-UG counseling. In this regard, it is also informed that the candidates who withdraw their seats during the period between 3 days before the commencement of R-3 and till the date of announcement of R-3 final result (excluding the final result date) are ineligible for AACCC-UG Counseling due to non-compliance of AACCC-UG Counseling scheme 2024.

Step 8: Physical Reporting to the allotted college/institute with all original documents within the stipulated time as per schedule.


The ASU & H- Govt./Govt. Aided colleges/ Central Universities(CU) / National Institutes(NI) seats and B.Pharm (Ay.) seats remain vacant (not joined/withdrawn) after the 3rd Round of AACCC-UG Counseling will continue to be filled through the online Stray Vacancy Round conducted by the AACCC, M/o Ayush.

The Deemed University seats that remain vacant after the 3rd Round of AACCC-UG counseling will be forwarded to the respective Deemed Universities for conducting online Stray Vacancy Round through the AACCC-UG portal.

Eligibility for participation

a) Only NEET (UG)- 2024 qualified candidates who have registered in the 1st/2nd / 3rd Round of AACCC-UG counseling are eligible to participate, provided that,- i. Candidates who have not been admitted to any of the seats through AACCC-UG counseling or counseling conducted by State/UTs.

b) Candidates who have not registered in the AACCC-UG counseling and have not been admitted to any of the seats through State/UTs counseling are eligible to participate after registration on the AACCC-UG Portal.

c) Round-1 non-joined candidate availed of Free Exit.

d) Round 1 admitted Candidates who availed of Free Exit till the date of announcement of the R-2 final result (excluding final result date).

First allotment phase (SVR-I)
  • Registration & Choice filling available
  • Allotment of seats based on merit and preferences of the candidate
  • Publication of the first allotment list
  • Physical reporting to the allotted institute as per schedule (First reporting phase)
First allotment phase (SVR-II)
  • No Registration available.
  • No Choice filling available.
  • Allotment of seats based on merit and preferences of the candidate during the choice-filling period of First allotment phase-SVR I
  • Publication of second allotment list
  • Physical reporting to the allotted institute as per schedule (Second reporting phase)
EligibilityRegistered candidates who opted for ‘Deemed University’ as ‘selection of counseling’ on the AACCC-UG portal and not in the final list of ineligible candidates published by AACCC, M/o Ayush on the portal are eligible.
Non-eligibilityCandidates who have been admitted through any previous rounds of AACCC-UG Counseling and State/UT counseling and in the final list of ineligible candidates published by AACCC, M/o Ayush on the portal are ineligible to participate in the SVR-DU of AACCC-UG Counseling.

•AACCC, MoA forwards the list of eligible registered candidates to the Deemed University for conducting the SVR-DU counseling process through the AACCC-UG portal.

•The final list of ineligible candidates will also be sent to the Deemed Universities to prevent them from participating in the SVR-DU counseling process conducted through the AACCC-UG portal.

•For seat allotment under Deemed Universities, the online Stray Vacancy Round will be conducted by the respective Deemed Universities through the centralized AACCC-UG counseling portal.

•The Choice-filling option on the AACCC-UG Portal is not available for candidates seeking admission to the Deemed University in the online SVR-DU. (Candidates need to approach respective Deemed Universities for allotment of seats in the online SVR-DU conducted through the AACCC-UG portal.)

•These seats are domicile-free, which means no reservation is applied on the seats under Deemed Universities.

AACCC (Ayush Admissions Central Counseling Committee) Seat Matrix for the A.Y 2024-25

Round -1 UG Seat MatrixClick Here
Round -2 UG Seat MatrixClick Here

AACCC (Ayush Admissions Central Counseling Committee) Cut-off for the A.Y 2024-25

Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre,Pune
Round 1
To Download Click here
Round 2
To Download Click here
Round 3
To Download Click here

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.


Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre Pimpri, Pune-411 018 (Maharashtra) India

Pune, Maharashtra - 411 018

phone: 020 - 67116420 / 020 - 27805899 | 8448449859

email: [email protected]

website: https://ayurved.dypvp.edu.in/


Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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